Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive And Dodge

Well, Budget Meeting last night. This was the 4th Budget I've been present at (two as a proxy, two as a Councillor). I moved an motion, which passed 13-11, though it was alot more controversial and drawn-out than I had anticipated. There may or may not be a meeting next week as well. While council shouldn't be meeting just for the sake of meeting, in the grand scope of things extra meetings have been called for less pressing reasons (and at busier times at that). If there is a meeting next week, there will also be a Travel CUTS presentation, making it about the 4th time that I've seen that as well. Getting old...

After the meeting, some of us went to Dodgeball. Unlike Roman I quite enjoyed it. Obviously, it's not going to be Citizen Kane, but for what it is I think it's quite good. It has summer-movie laughs, as well it's your typical "Band of mysfits defy odds" sporting type movie. Indeed, I found it did the latter better than did Mighty Ducks (well, the sequels anyways. The first one was half decent) and it's (ostensibly) a hockey movie. ( [rant]Before anyone gets the wrong idea, I think that the Mighty Ducks series as a whole was a travesty which shouldn't be associated with the name of hockey in any way. A travesty compounded only by the fact that they named a hockey team after it, a hockey team that came within one win of having it's name deface the Stanley Cup. Michael Eisner sucks. [/rant]

Anyways, I thought Dodgeball was good as escapist summer fare, with some good laughs as well.


Blogger Nicholas said...

Kyle, I thought we established that you have never actually seen Citizen Kane, with the possible exception of that bit about Rosebud. All's well that ends Welles, I suppose.

Moreover, the definitive "band of misfits defy odds" sporting movie is, bar none, Shaolin Soccer.

11:16 p.m.  
Blogger Kyle said...

Ahh, I was more using Citizen Kane for it's oratorical effect. And I couldn't very well compare it to "Bad News Bears" since I haven't seen that either. I did see (and enjoy) "Ladybugs", however (I was 12 at the time though).

2:43 a.m.  

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