Monday, March 06, 2006


As alluded to by the lovely and talented Ms. Bond in the comments section, Samuel and I are now the Western Canadian Champions. The tournament was a lot of fun, and the food was excellent. It was also good to just let loose with a partner, as by the end of the tournament Samuel and I were writing pseudonyms on the board and opening our speeches with rap lines. Given that this was my last Cusid West tournament, it was also really rewarding to go out with a win. Like Pac Cup, there were a lot of blast from the past moments, be it hitting Jeff Long and Dave Cram running a crazy case (the Government should lose this round); to another Saskatchewn kegger (I did two keg stands); to watching Chris Samuel take yet another Public Speech final with another innovation. Having the Olympics on at the same time reminded me of the last time McGoun was in Saskatoon as well.


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