Friday, November 04, 2005

The Last Week

I've recently had a request for fewer sports scores/predictions and more analysis. I may go in that direction at some point, but first, here's this weeks picks.

Montreal and Hamilton
The Ti-Cats are playing for next year, while the Als should be looking to stay healty for the playoffs. That being said, Montreal will also want to have momentum going into the playoffs. While A.C. may not even play the second half, I'm still going to say that Montreal should do enough to pull this one out.

Toronto and Ottawa

Ottawa is really worse than they should be with their talent. As well, I think that John Jenkins is the wrong direction for them to go at head coach for next year (particularly given their strong running attack and Mr. Jenkin's aversion to running the ball). Likewise, Joe Paopao is all class. However, I doubt that this is the first time I've disagreed with the Gliebermans regarding what's best for Ottawa football franchises. All that aside, while Toronto is also a team that has the playoffs to keep in mind, they should also be able to handle the Renedages (though it would be nice to see them get one last win for Joe).

B.C. and Saskatchewan

There's really two ways that the Riders could respond to the recent distractions. They could either fall apart, or rally together. I'm not sure which will eventually happen, but I'm going to say that regardless B.C. should come out on top, clinching first place.

Edmonton and Calgary

This should be a great game. I'm a little concern with the lack of productivity on offence for the Esks of late, however they should have a more diversified attack than the last time they played Calgary. This is big in that not only is it likely going to determine homefield advantage for the playoff game, but also there should be a psychological edge as I anticipate a rematch next week. Where will it be? Edmonton.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, the last week of the regular season and you get an ohfer. Was that the first one for you this season? I hate the CFL for that...I had a couple and stopped playing pick the winner.

--The Dude

12:41 a.m.  
Blogger Kyle said...

I believe this was the only time I failed to pick at least one correctly. I suppose I should have anticipated the eastern upsets. The West took me completely by surprise though.

12:53 a.m.  

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