Saturday, November 05, 2005

That Has No Place In The Marketplace

You know, for people supposedly educated in Survivor history (witness the prolonged discussion of the lack of food at the merger) certain members of the Gang of Six on this year's edition seem to have missed all those times when the alliance with the numerical advantage got uppity and had the bottom couple of people switch sides on them. I mean, really. I think it's pretty obvious that there's going to be some sort of shake up in the next couple of weeks (I do like the hidden immunity idol. I think it adds a little more random-ness to the mix).

As far as The Apprentice goes, I think Clay was probably the reason they lost the task, but this was a convenient time to fire Markus, who was going to get fired at some point anyways. Additionally, he didn't exactly help himself. Even being able to answer "So, why did you lose?" coherently, and not telling Trump that he "did outstanding" in what he did may have been enough to keep him around. It should also be interesting to see the team dynamics on Capital Edge after they all cut Clay loose in the boardroom (perhaps his advice that Adam not talk to him in the elevator on the way back to the suite was a bit of foreshadowing). At any rate, with their current personnel, Excel might not lose again for a long time (if at all). Randall's stock is also riding quite high. It's the second time he's won as PM, and the second time he was picked to go to a different team.

In other news, this year's Churchill Cup looks like it should be really cool. While there's going to be matches in other cities again, having 6 teams should make things more interesting. As well, we get the Finals (though, it appears from the website that next year the finals will be in San Francisco, with us presumably getting a pool match). It's also good to see the Maori back again.

On a related note, I'm a little surprised that there hasn't been more information on the Women's World Cup. I recognise that it's still a ways away, but I think that the fact that it's in going to be held in Edmonton is pretty impressive (nothing like logging on to the IRB website and seeing Edmonton listed as the host city for a world cup, regardless of the categorisation or level).

Happy Guy Fawkes Day everyone.


Blogger Nicholas said...

Remember, remember the Fifth of November!

1:05 p.m.  

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